Senin, 26 September 2016


This is my first blog,  so let me introduce myself.

My Name is Aulia Rahma Putri, I'm 19yo. I like to watching movies, listening to music and reading a book. My favorite author is Nicholas Sparks, who doesn't know Him? He is such a great author. almost His books turns into a movie.
And just for your information, I'm a Fangirl. You can ask anything to Me about Hollywood World and about MotoGP because I like MotoGP so much especially My MotoGP rider a.ka My Marc Marquez lol.
Back tot he topic, I was graduated From Eleven Vocational High School on 2014, now I work at a bank, and I also continue my study to college, I choosed STKIP SIliwangi as My University because the location is not far from My house. My major is English Education. I'm such a busy person so sometimes I don't have time for relax.

Is this enough for the introduction? Because I'm tired lol.
So yeah thanks for reading My introduction. If You're curious enough about My life, You can contact Me on My social media. Thanks Babies xx

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